Friday, July 1, 2011

People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive...Ryan Reynolds! shit!? From Vancouver, the sexiest man alive....Mr.Ryan Reynolds. I always thought that.
We all know that People Magazine always picks the most good-looking  working man in Hollywood. In this case, I agree.
Sexiest Man Alive: Ryan Reynolds

Sure, his chiseled abs have caused millions to swoon, but this year's Sexiest Man Alive Ryan Reynolds loves to keep them laughing.

"My body naturally wants to look like Dick Van Dyke," says the 6'2" actor, who suits up as the Green Lantern next year. "When I stop training, I turn into a skin-colored whisper."

We doubt that. From growing up the youngest of four brothers in Canada to being the funny guy in films like The Proposal, Reynolds has learned to take everything in stride. "You just have to go with the flow," he says of his new title. "This gives my family entre into teasing me for the rest of my life."

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